Transform Through Arts Theater
Performing Artists Collective
Uniting Humanity In All Its Diversity Through The Performing Arts
Mission Statement:
‘’Transform Through Arts Theater’’ is performing artists collective that enriches and empowers peoples lives through expression of creativity. We provide collaborative opportunities and the outlet for performing artists to showcase their work through theater productions and engagement with community..
How it began:
My life long passion for Dance, Acting, and Music led me to create Transform Through Arts Theater, a community of artists on both local and global levels, to bring and bridge us together in expression of our unique colors and talents, to bring out the best in each other, and to inspire the audience to connect with their true selves and who we are evolving into as humanity.
My Philosophy:
Ever since I was a child I knew that something greater than me exists that unites all of us together in something greater, of which we are each a part.
I knew that we are here to embody something greater than ourselves and to grow in Love on all levels, from family and intimate relationships to community, from planetary to Universal level. As my life has unfolded and I have awakened to know who I am and who I am becoming, I have wanted to share and connect with people in that oneness.
Through my own journey, I have discovered that the Performing Arts and the Arts in general, whether music, dance or painting, form a direct connection that ignites, awakens and gives us an experience beyond the barriers and limitations of who we think we are. Art awakens our souls and our essence at the very core.
As we allow ourselves to channel our unique Divine energy that flows through us, connection with each other begins to take on a different meaning. We see each other as unique pieces of the puzzle that weaves the tapestry of life together, we come to value our own unique gifts beyond the limitations and lack of support in society, and we yearn for community to share it with each other.
The purpose of Transform Through Arts Theater is to ignite, evoke and awaken the parts of ourselves and transform the challenges of human existence into a celebration of positive change. In this challenging time of transformation on the global level it is more than ever important to come together and celebrate our unique contribution to the world, to unite and bring peace to humanity as we realize our oneness with each other. And Performing Arts are a beautiful way to bring that about.
About Yulia:
Yulia Maluta is a professional dance teacher, spiritual teacher, producer, director and Performing artist. Her backgrounds are inclusive of studying and teaching Performing Arts, Acting, Argentine Tango, Yoga, Latin, Ballroom, Belly dance, Pilates, improvisational and healing movement. Yulia is associated with some of the best dancers in industry, she taught on the ''Cruising with the Stars'' with Karina Smirnoff from''Dancing With The Stars'' and was featured instructor on ''Malashock thinks you can dance'' with Mary Murthy. She is now Internationally traveling instructor and repeat Maestra at World Elba Tango Festival and has taught throughout Hawaii and travelled to Buenos Aires. After years of competing professionally in Ballroom and Latin dance and complete break down in her life, she discovered Tango and a path of spiritual awakening. After going through her own transformation and break throughs, she devoted her life to teaching dance as a spiritual practice. She approaches movement and dance as metaphor of life and self discovery. She integrates different modalities of healing, movement, meditation and awareness together to help people to break free from their limitations to embody self love, communion with life, loved ones and present moment.
Yulia is a creative director and producer at her "Transform Through Arts Theater" that produces an annual show "Colors of Love".in February Her passion is creativity and actualizing divine vision into reality, living an integrated path of healing, awakening and actualization and help others to evolve into their magnificent expression of themselves.
Earlier Yulia's Years
Yulia Maluta was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her dance career began at age 15 after being inspired by a dance video of Lambada. She turned her focus to learning Latin and later, Ballroom dance. Discovering a natural talent for movement, she caught the eye of Natalie Gorchakova, the internationally renowned dance trainer and choreographer. While studying with Natalie, Yulia herself began to teach children the basics of dance and movement at her local elementary school.
Her Career Beginnings
In 1997, Yulia Maluta moved to Santa Barbara, CA and partnered with David Alvarez at the Santa Barbara Dance Centre. It was here that her professional and competitive dance career sprung forth. David and Yulia expressed a chemistry and style that was in constant demand as they traveled nationally. Some of her performances included TV Channel 3, Santa Barbara Fiesta Festival, Lobero Theatre Bash, John E. Profit Foundation of Art Gala.
Desiring to further her competitive career at that time, Yulia moved to San Diego to dance with Daniel Vasco, a widely recognized dancer and choreographer well known in both the dance field and movie industry. After retiring from competition in 2005, Yulia turned her focus to connection to the dance as a means of self-expression. For the next 3 years she focused on deepening her embodiment of integrated movement and expression.
Major Accomplishments
Her desire to express movement from the heart lead to the creation of the dance show 'Journey of Love' with Daniel, a story of love told through Latin Dance: Argentine Tango, Salsa and Rumba that premiered in April, 2009 in San Diego. Yulia's current focus is on teaching her Dance Passion Connection dance troupe, Argentine Tango, Salsa classes, private lessons and organizing events to provide learning and cultural exchange opportunities with Argentine Tango Masters.

Tango class: students learning to establish communication and connection between two partners.
Tango class: students learning to establish communication and connection between two partners.
Yulia teaching a Tango workshop: ''Enlightening your relationship through Tango''

Yulia teaching a Tango workshop: ''Enlightening your relationship through Tango''
Yulia teaching a Tango workshop: ''Enlightening your relationship through Tango''

Tango class: students learning to establish communication and connection between two partners.

Tango class: students learning to establish communication and connection between two partners.